CONFIDENCE in its own people and the service it can offer has given Chelton Brown the impetus to grow and develop throughout the 40 years it has been serving the landlords and tenants of Northamptonshire.
Founded in a 1975, the agency has invested heavily during the past four decades in developing its own staff through carefully devised induction, training and quality recognition programmes. Today, it has two offices, in Northampton and Daventry, having grown steadily through expansion and acquisition. The company offers a lettings and property management service, and has recently moved into sales, reacting to the needs of landlords and property owners who want to sell tenanted properties while keeping existing tenants in situ.
Now, along with her son, Edward Chelton Brown who has re-joined the company as Daventry Branch Manager; Managing Director Sali Brown is keen to push the business forward in this ever-growing and competitive market and strive to be the best agent in Northamptonshire.
Sali Brown said: “Over the years at Chelton Brown we have managed to incorporate the philosophy of incremental but consistent improvement into our service-based business model and made an effort to allow it to integrate into our organisational culture.
“This has enabled us to widen our perspective in terms of doing business. We have understood that competing against other players in the industry is only secondary, as the real competition is against perfection.”
Chelton Brown uses top-of-the-range customised software to keep records and manage its portfolio of more than 1,200 properties. New properties are advertised on all the top-rating property search sites, including Rightmove, Primelocation, Zoopla, Findaproperty, and in various local publications.
To find out more about Chelton Brown, visit the website or call the Northampton office on 01604 603433 or Daventry on 01327 879431.