DAVENTRY District Council (DDC) has engaged contractor Willmott Dixon to carry out the £12.5m transformation of the former library site off North Street, Daventry, into a new four-screen cinema complex, with restaurants, public square and splash fountains. Following the demolition of the former library buildings and archaeological digs, foundation work is completed and work has now started on installing the steel frame of the building, which is due to open in Spring 2021.
DDC appointed Willmott Dixon as contractors using the Scape National Construction Framework, which specialises in procuring the most efficient suppliers for the public sector. DDC and Willmott Dixon have already worked together as part of the framework to deliver the Rainsbrook Crematorium and Monksmoor Primary School developments.
The Council has also reached a deal with The Arc Cinema to run the cinema complex and is now working towards signing up tenants for the two restaurants that form part of the development.
Arc will be instructing their own contractor to undertake the specialist fit out works associated with the cinema building, and they will commence those activities toward the end of 2020, overlapping with Willmott Dixon’s finishing works externally.
At the Mulberry Place project, Wilmott Dixon have partnered up with the local MIND charity, with lots of initiatives in the pipeline such as converting used pallets to planters and raised beds. Members of the Daventry MIND group provided Wilmott Dixon with a tray full of cakes to enjoy that were made by MIND to promote their national mental health day ‘Time to Talk’.
The energy of local independent retailers and the delivery of the new Daventry cinema is evidence of the great enthusiasm to develop the night time and restaurant offer of the town. The new public square, part of the Mulberry Place development will deliver new restaurants; planning applications are now being considered for the conversion of the former NatWest Bank and in Bowen Square.
Moulton Leisure Centre
Proposals to develop a new leisure centre in Moulton to serve residents in the east of Daventry District have been given the go-ahead by councillors. DDC has bought the Chris Moody Centre, a sports rehabilitation centre, from Moulton College and will be converting it into a second public leisure centre for the district, using £8.5m of funding from local housing developer contributions. Councillors approved a business case for the scheme and also agreed to appoint Everyone Active, which also runs Daventry Leisure Centre on behalf of DDC, to operate the proposed facilities off Pitsford Road, Moulton.
A planning application recently submitted for the scheme proposes to change the use of the building so that a brand-new fitness suite and exercise studios can be included alongside the existing swimming pool and rehabilitation hydro pools. The car park will be extended, and a health spa will be added, further increasing the facilities on offer.
Depending on planning decisions, building work could start in spring, with the new fitness suite ready by the end of summer. The remainder of the works could then be completed by the end of 2020.
The Council hopes that the new plans for the centre will make it financially sustainable so it can be used for a wider range of health and fitness activities for the whole community. DDC is keen for community sports activities to continue at the centre and discussions about the changes are currently taking place with existing users, including Northampton Swimming Club.
Moulton Leisure Centre
Proposals to develop a new leisure centre in Moulton to serve residents in the east of Daventry District have been given the go-ahead by councilors. Daventry District Council (DDC) has bought the Chris Moody Centre, a sports rehabilitation centre, from Moulton College and will be converting it into a second public leisure centre for the District using £8.5m of funding from local housing developer contributions. Councilors approved a business case for the scheme and also agreed to appoint Everyone Active, which also runs Daventry Leisure Centre on behalf of DDC, to operate the proposed facilities off Pitsford Road, Moulton.
A planning application recently submitted for the scheme proposes to change the use of the building so that a brand-new fitness suite and exercise studios can be included alongside the existing swimming pool and rehabilitation hydro pools. The car park will be extended, and a health spa will be added, further increasing the facilities on offer. Building works could start in spring, with the new fitness suite ready by the end of summer. The remainder of the works could then be completed by the end of 2020.
The Council hopes that the new plans for the centre will make it financially sustainable so it can be used for a wider range of health and fitness activities for the whole community. DDC is keen for community sports activities to continue at the centre and discussions about the changes are currently taking place with existing users, including Northampton Swimming Club.
Braunston to Daventry Cycle Track
This green infrastructure project is to construct a 1.5 metre wide cycle track from Daventry to Braunston over a distance of1 kilometre; these works will complete the first stage of a cycle way between Daventry and Rugby at a cost of £730,000. The project will run from the edge of the Daventry urban area to meet the Grand Union Canal and follow the tow path across Braunston Marina entrance and on to the edge of Braunston. The project will be delivered by Daventry District Council.
The Knoll
Fresh opportunities are being created for commercial development on land owned by the Council at The Knoll, located within the Marches Industrial Estate to the south-east of Daventry Town centre. An exciting new commercial development offering a range of sizes of new units which should be available by March 2021. The total floor area created will be 50,000 sqft. Claymore Phoenix (Knoll) Ltd is delivering the development, enquiries should be sent to Neal Shegog, Email: .
The Knoll is conveniently close to the town’s ring road and the A45, with its surrounding area primarily developed for industrial use. The site has outline planning consent and future development and will be marketed for B1 and B2 use, to attract High Tech Business units, to this key gateway location.
Catesby Tunnel is likely to become a worldwide benchmark for aerodynamic testing, capable of providing accurate and affordable full scale aerodynamic performance data. The project is in the planning phase to restore and convert the disused railway tunnel into the test facility. ARP have secured a long term lease for the tunnel and bought the land, including the approach cuttings.
In addition to the Tunnel a science park is planned, which can become a worldwide centre for aerodynamics and vehicle development.
Town Centre Vision 2035
DAVENTRY Town Centre Vision 2021 was adopted in 2004. There is now the opportunity to update the Town Centre Vision to reflect current priorities, a shift in town centre economies and function, technology and social change and to embrace the direction given by the new Countryside and Settlements Local Plan.
Retailing and business generally is a constantly changing environment. It is therefore necessary for town centres, including Daventry, to continue to reinvent themselves if they are to continue to prosper.
The Council has an important part to play in this process, both as a direct service provider and as regulator, enabler and development partner.
The new Daventry Town Centre Vision 2035 will provide a framework for the development of the town centre agreed, as far as possible, by all interested parties and leading to positive outcomes. An extensive public engagement exercise is planned to take place this Spring.
Pictured here are examples of grant-funded shop front improvements in Daventry town centre. For information concerning the Town Centre Vision 2035 and for details of the Councils successful shop front grants initiative contact Mark Pople the Council’s Strategic Economic Development officer at
Country park
THE Country Park Café will be improved and extended, creating a cosy indoor seating area with an internal serving counter in what was the Visitor Centre.
The new-look café will also benefit from a larger kitchen area, allowing it to offer a bigger and better menu. Visitor information will be on display in the café seating area, and there will be an education room upstairs for small groups. The toilets by the Visitor Centre will be transformed in order to provide seven self-contained, unisex cubicles.
Outside, the covered seating area will be improved, the courtyard will be levelled and paved, windows and doors will be refurbished and modern shutters will be installed. The works are planned for completion by the end of March 2020.
Work is under way to refurbish the Marsh Walkway. Once work on the walkway has finished, the contractor will start on the bridges along the side of the reservoir. Footpaths will be improved throughout the Community Sensory Garden and along the circular walk around the reservoir. New improved signage and seating will be provided around the park.
A replacement pier with improved access will be installed near the Visitor Centre. A new jetty will also be built on the opposite side of Lovell’s Bay, providing a safer spot from which to view wildlife, as well as offering a staging point for water sports
New equipment has been installed in the play area, including a castle-themed fort with lots of different activities, new swings, some smaller items for toddlers, and a refurbished zip wire.