By Andy Long
Danihar Technology
I THINK we can all agree that the last decade had its unique challenges for all business owners no matter the size. Moving forward, DaniHar Technology may be able to help you utilise technology to face your business challenges.
We have been involved in some amazing projects, assisting start-ups and larger OEMs with technology innovations of varying complexity. Allow me to tell you a little about what we do and how we help companies like yours.
Why companies choose DaniHar Technology?
We have vast experience in many industry sectors and offer many engineering disciplines via a talented team. We offer technology-based cross fertilisation of ideas from other industry sectors, including automotive, medical and food and beverage.
So, what’s different?
We appeal to all businesses, no matter the sector. Have you ever had a vision of how innovating technology in your business could help your growth, your unique positioning and your sustainable future. We want to work with, and support you in your business as a technology partner. We’ve all had the inner voice screaming ‘If only there was a better way’ or ‘what if’, mostly out of frustration. This is where DaniHar Technology want to help by innovating technology solutions to improve your business.
What can we offer?
Primarily, we innovate and engineer new technologies in the form of software and electronic engineering. For example, a bespoke software application or tool for your business, or maybe an innovative product widget, or something which improves productivity or cost savings within your business.
You may have concerns about the life span of legacy products that are still actively manufactured, or maybe because of lost in-house expertise. In such cases, DaniHar can work with you as your technology partner to support any product end-of-life concerns by providing redesign engineering capability. A managed approach to legacy products minimises the risk of a product becoming obsolete without a replacement.
Or, maybe you just need someone to deal with the tech jargon in your business as a service. Again – we can help.
The power of being business agile
With technology moving so fast, being agile and dynamic is our key to keeping up with the pace of change. However, just as technology constantly evolves, as business owners of all sizes we need to adapt and evolve accordingly to changes around us.
With this in mind, and applying an agile model to our business, DaniHar Technology has set its own targets and challenges for 2020 and beyond. Since October 2019, we are privileged to have been accepted on the NatWest Entrepreneur Accelerator programme. The programme is vital in the vision of where DaniHar Technology will be in the future, most importantly serving our customers.
Having this amazing opportunity is an enabler for DaniHar Technology to scale up and transform our offering to a wider demographic. We want to be accessible to other business sectors that are not in direct connection with technology innovation.
Just as the NatWest Entrepreneur Accelerator programme is important to our business strategy, DaniHar Technology want to be key to your business by partnering with you to innovate technology in your business together. We feel that this is a unique offering and has appeal to all business owners.
Coming soon
We will be releasing a new brand within DaniHar Technology – Develop-Your-Tech – simply because that’s what we want to do, develop your technology innovations to help your business grow as a partnership. In the meantime, should you have any ideas or want to talk about any problem that you believe technology innovation can solve, feel free to contact us directly, or visit and click for a free consultation booking.