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HEWITSONS has launched a dedicated Brexit section within its website to provide expert legal advice for businesses.

The microsite – www.hewitsons.com/brexit – contains expert information suited for local, national and international businesses from a wide range of industries.

It covers subjects including commercial agreements, data protection, immigration, procurement law and UK agriculture. Where there are areas of uncertainty, it contains practical advice about whether to adopt a ‘wait and see’ approach or whether useful preparation can be undertaken now.

The site, which launched just days before the draft Withdrawal Agreement was published, also features articles about specific topics of interest relating to Brexit, including a timely note on the legal process required to instigate a People’s Vote drafted by Legal 500 Hall of Fame litigator Dominic Hopkins.

Emma Shipp, Partner and Head of Business Services at Hewitsons, said: “The situation regarding Brexit is changing rapidly. Yet, despite all the uncertainty still surrounding this process, one thing is clear: if businesses haven’t already started preparing, they should do so now.

“Hewitsons has launched its new microsite with the primary aim of making businesses aware of the key points they need to consider ahead of Britain’s departure from Europe on 29 March 2019 and demystifying them.

“Expert advice can then be sought from our team of industry specialists in relation to specific areas of concern. With teams specialising in all major areas of law, Hewitsons is well placed to help businesses overcome obstacles and capitalise on the opportunities that may arise from Brexit.”

As well as having offices in Cambridge, London, Milton Keynes and Northampton, Hewitsons has close European connections, through its network of international law firms, LawExchange International (LEI). Through LEI, which Hewitsons founded in 1994, the firm can provide an international viewpoint from trusted advisers, helping businesses to avoid disruption and grasp opportunities quickly.

For more information, visit www.hewitsons.com/brexit

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