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Song and dance for charity

A FUNDRAISER by a firm of accountants has raised £2,000 for victims of acid attacks.

Elsby & Co of Sywell, Market Harborough and Milton Keynes teamed up with the organisers of Miss Universe Great Britain to arrange the event for Sheroes Hangout – a café in Agra which is run by the Stop Acid Attacks charity.

Carl Elsby, founding partner of Elsby & Co, said: “What is particularly special about Sheroes Hangout is that it doesn’t just give the women jobs, but it teaches them life and business skills so that they can become entrepreneurs of the future.

“As an organisation that supp

A FUNDRAISER by a firm of accountants has raised £2,000 for victims of acid attacks.

Elsby & Co of Sywell, Market Harborough and Milton Keynes teamed up with the organisers of Miss Universe Great Britain to arrange the event for Sheroes Hangout – a café in Agra which is run by the Stop Acid Attacks charity.

Carl Elsby, founding partner of Elsby & Co, said: “What is particularly special about Sheroes Hangout is that it doesn’t just give the women jobs, but it teaches them life and business skills so that they can become entrepreneurs of the future.

“As an organisation that supports business people on a daily basis, this is particularly relevant for us.”

The Accountants, Beauty Queens and Bollywood night took place on Saturday 14 May at Ruby’s Lounge in Diana’s Health Club, Wellingborough. A highlight of the party was a solo Bhangra dance by Carl – the video of which has been circulated around social media to encourage people who couldn’t attend to put their hands in their pockets for the charity.

Contributors to the event include Church Footwear which donated a pair of £300 shoes; The Cooking Academy, which offered a £180 cooking course; and Diana’s Health Club which gave a number of passes to the club for the raffle.

Carl said: “We are really grateful to everyone who supported in so many ways.”

The event will also form part of a Miss Universe Great Britain documentary which is following the story of modern day beauty queens.

Find out more by visiting www.facebook.com/SheroesHangout/ or the Elsby and Co website

www.elsbyandco.co.uk or at www.missuniversegb.co.uk

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