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30th anniversary gives everyone a lift

WITH a product range of proven high quality, and newly refurbished offices that offer a modern and comfortable working environment, it’s no surprise that Hitec Lift Trucks is going from strength to strength.

Founded 30 years ago this summer, Hitec Lift Trucks has grown into one of the leading dealerships in the UK for Cesab, the Italian manufacturer that is at the forefront of the materials handling sector.

WITH a product range of proven high quality, and newly refurbished offices that offer a modern and comfortable working environment, it’s no surprise that Hitec Lift Trucks is going from strength to strength.

Founded 30 years ago this summer, Hitec Lift Trucks has grown into one of the leading dealerships in the UK for Cesab, the Italian manufacturer that is at the forefront of the materials handling sector. Employing 23 people at its headquarters on the Finedon Road Industrial Estate in Wellingborough, Hitec serves customers both locally and across the UK.

The relationship between Hitec and Cesab began in 1994 and has built steadily over the past 22 years, and now the firm, founded by Prospero Girardi and Andrew Selbie, is an exclusive Cesab dealer.

Prospero Girardi said: “We know that Cesab is a leading name in fork lifts and mechanical handling equipment and provide the quality we want for our customers. ,Being part of that dealership network enables us to offer clients with local headquarters but depots throughout the country a seamless service where they can buy from us but know that maintenance, repairs and servicing is available wherever they are.”

An example of this is Hitec’s relationship with a large Wellingborough-based company with depots throughout the UK. Being part of the Cesab dealership network Hitec could work with the client to supply all of their sites, not just the local ones, and then provide the ongoing support they need, wherever that might be.

Having purchased 20 new machines last year, they returned to Hitec for the second phase of its fleet renewal, taking a further 10 machines, testament to the quality of equipment and service it received from the fork lift firm.

Recognition for Hitec’s dedication to customer service comes in the form of After Sales Evaluation Certification (ASEC). This accreditation offers customers an assurance of quality and transparency in everything from the training of engineers to the disposal of waste products.

Andrew Selbie added: “We’ve invested a lot of money in attaining ASEC accreditation, which stands at Bronze level at the moment but will almost certainly rise to Silver level when our latest audit is finalised.

“There has been a large investment in the premises, making sure that we provide a nice, clean, pleasant working environment for our engineers and providing them with the technology they need to do the best job they can, meeting the high standards of Cesab and of our customers.

“Alongside that, we have invested in new offices for the sales team, giving them a comfortable, modern space in which to work, and we’ve refurbished the parts and stores department. We firmly believe that if you provide comfortable surroundings and you’re a good company, you keep your workforce happy and a happy workforce is a productive workforce.”

Since it was established in 1986, Hitec Lift Trucks has focused on getting to know customers’ needs to help them deliver the service and support that’s needed. As well as outright sales, Hitec also provides equipment on long term lease hire, backed up by  servicing and maintenance, and also short-term hire so that customers can get easy access to extra or replacement equipment should they need it.

Such is the demand for short-term hire, Hitec last year acquired an articulated lorry to handle deliveries of machines to customers, and it currently looking into adding a second lorry to cope with demand.

“It’s amazing to look back 30 years and see where we have come,” said Prospero. “We started off with just Andrew and me and didn’t really know where that would take us.

“If you’re just starting out in business you don’t really think about where you will be in 30 years time, so I don’t suppose either of us thought that we’d still be doing this or that the company would be the size it has become.

“It’s been a bit of a roller-coaster, we couldn’t say it hasn’t. We’ve been through three recessions and there have been some tough times, but we’ve come through them all and are now stronger than ever.”

Hitec Lift Trucks
01933 228127

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