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A menu of debt recovery options

Friday Legal Solicitors are celebrating with their clients the successes of the Friday Legal Commercial Debt Recovery Team over the past 12 months.

During this period the Debt Recovery Team have managed to recover hundreds of thousands of pounds of debts owed to business clients across the region and up and down the country.   Some instructions have related to simple non-payment of supplier invoices for a few thousand pounds and others have been for many hundreds of thousand pounds.

Friday Legal Solicitors are celebrating with their clients the successes of the Friday Legal Commercial Debt Recovery Team over the past 12 months.

During this period the Debt Recovery Team have managed to recover hundreds of thousands of pounds of debts owed to business clients across the region and up and down the country.   Some instructions have related to simple non-payment of supplier invoices for a few thousand pounds and others have been for many hundreds of thousand pounds. Actions taken to aid clients’ recovery of monies owed to them have included the service of straightforward debt collection letters, the service of statutory demands, winding up petitions as well as bankruptcy and other insolvency processes.

Clients of Friday Legal are offered a full menu of options to assist them in the recovery of monies owed to them and, in consultation with the Debt Recovery Team, a cost-effective and proportionate solution is selected and pursued after a full cost benefit analysis has been carried out.

The Debt Collection Team has been involved in litigation with US corporate entities as well as corporate entities up and down the country. Hayley Mauro, Head of the Commercial Debt recovery team, said: “A sale is only a sale once the bill has been paid and it is extremely frustrating for businesses not to be paid money that is properly owed to them.   Debtors use a variety of tactics to avoid or delay the payment of money that they owe and because of our longstanding experience in dealing with these issues, we are often able to cut through the nonsense and recover debts owing fairly quickly by being firm and robust in our treatment of the debtors concerned.

“Where genuine disputes are a factor, we are often able to mediate between the parties to arrive at a mutually agreeable way forward. On occasions this extends to a fully litigated course of action, but this is always avoided where possible.”

Friday Legal Solicitors have a range of fixed-fee packages for businesses who regularly suffer with poor payers and, as part of the service, we often review a client’s terms of business to ensure that the transaction is set up in a way that is most likely to avoid arguments and thus delaying tactics by customers at the outset.

Hayley Mauro and Friday Legal Solicitors can be contacted by email on or by telephone 01536 218888.

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