EMPLOYEE engagement specialists Beyond Theory and app developers All Things Code have teamed up to revolutionise employee appraisals. Instead of the familiar forms and paperwork normally associated with reviewing employee performance, appraisals can now be captured and recorded on a mobile app.
Paul Beesley, senior consultant at Beyond Theory explained: “Most people’s experiences of performance appraisals are negative.
EMPLOYEE engagement specialists Beyond Theory and app developers All Things Code have teamed up to revolutionise employee appraisals. Instead of the familiar forms and paperwork normally associated with reviewing employee performance, appraisals can now be captured and recorded on a mobile app.
Paul Beesley, senior consultant at Beyond Theory explained: “Most people’s experiences of performance appraisals are negative. The forms can be poorly designed, not always relevant and then become the monster that takes over the whole process.
“At Beyond Theory we believe that the performance appraisal process should be an engaging one. By that I mean being far less about the form filling and more about meaningful conversations on how employees can give their best. The new app frees up people’s time as well as their thinking.
“We’ve already reviewed and re-designed two appraisal systems over recent months. Using the app means that management information is improved and in real time, so it’s not just the employee that benefits.”
All Things Code’s Dan Harding added: “Working with Beyond Theory is a perfect match. We design a range of business-to-business apps that include HR and people management processes. Having Beyond Theory on board helps us design the apps to meet businesses’ needs with the expertise in HR that Paul brings.
“Each business is different. The apps that we design are tailored to meet each business’s needs including best HR practice.”
The app itself is easy on the eye and very easy to use. Employees use the app to record their objectives and review their progress at one-to-one meetings throughout the year. As preparation for their annual appraisal meeting the app is saved and submitted to their manager, forming the basis for the performance discussion. Afterwards, the manager saves a summary for future reference.
Both Paul and Dan are excited about the future. “This app saves employee and management time and improves management information – not to mention being environmentally friendly because of all the paper that traditional appraisals can eat up,” said Paul. “Having quality discussions is the purpose of an effective appraisal – not the form filling.”
“We appreciate that we are at the leading edge on this but using iPad and other mobile devices is clearly the future,” added Dan. “Apps assisting with our HR processes will revolutionise how we engage with our employees.”
For a free consultation on how to modernise your company’s appraisal system contact senior consultant Paul Beesley at Beyond Theory on 01604 212505 or email