WITH half the year behind us – and what an interesting half a year it’s been – we look forward to the second half of the year with interest and, hopefully, a bit of enthusiasm.
The EU referendum vote left us all in a state of uncertainty, but the dust is beginning to settle and the property market does not, at the moment, seem to be suffering unduly.
As I sit here writing this, we have seen no real effects of the Leave decision in either of our sales or letting departments in fact June was by far our busiest month of the year so far and likewise July has started off brisk too.
This is
WITH half the year behind us – and what an interesting half a year it’s been – we look forward to the second half of the year with interest and, hopefully, a bit of enthusiasm.
The EU referendum vote left us all in a state of uncertainty, but the dust is beginning to settle and the property market does not, at the moment, seem to be suffering unduly.
As I sit here writing this, we have seen no real effects of the Leave decision in either of our sales or letting departments in fact June was by far our busiest month of the year so far and likewise July has started off brisk too.
This is particularly apparent when the summer does make an appearance, when the air feels warmer, the sun appears more frequently and we feel like it’s time to make a new start.
It’s also a time of year where we are looking at how the sales and letting market is shaping up. The first half has been very kind to us with lots of registered applicants keen to buy and let property. We are suffering from a lack of property coming on the market but we have seen this trend for some time. We had sold and let in good numbers despite the government seem to be doing their level best to curtail the market.
We would love to hear from anyone who is thinking of selling or letting their property.
Call Howkins and Harrison on 01604 823445 or visit the website www.howkinsandharrison.co.uk