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Footprint chart leaves its mark

A CAMPAIGN by a Northampton firm to highlight the energy used during the FIFA World Cup and to save firms money has been declared a great success.

Low Energy Consultancy formulated and designed a popular World Cup Wall Chart based on the carbon footprint of all the nations taking part in the tournament that started on 12 June 2014 in Sao Paulo.

“The biggest show on earth reached its climax early in July with Germany and Argentina taking part in the World Cup Final,” said Adam Alexander, Director at Low Energy Consultancy.

A CAMPAIGN by a Northampton firm to highlight the energy used during the FIFA World Cup and to save firms money has been declared a great success.

Low Energy Consultancy formulated and designed a popular World Cup Wall Chart based on the carbon footprint of all the nations taking part in the tournament that started on 12 June 2014 in Sao Paulo.

“The biggest show on earth reached its climax early in July with Germany and Argentina taking part in the World Cup Final,” said Adam Alexander, Director at Low Energy Consultancy. “As a business we have spent the last few weeks showing individuals and businesses the impact of the World Cup on the environment and which nations taking part have the best carbon footprints. Interest has been overwhelming especially as we have been able to advise firms how to reduce their impact at the same time.”

LEC works with businesses across the UK and is committed to assisting and guiding the property and construction worlds to comply with legislation, reduce CO2 emissions, energy costs and improve the marketability and value of buildings.

The carbon footprint of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa was 2.8 million tonnes of CO2 which is the equivalent of 6,000 space shuttle flights or 20 cheeseburgers for every man, woman and child in the UK.

“The aim of the campaign has been to support business in reducing their impact on the environment which is good for the planet but also good for their bottom lines,” Adam Alexander continued. “There has been a fantastic response and we have even had the Northants Steelbacks mascot Steeler the Dog getting behind us.”

LEC works with businesses across the UK and their awareness campaign has taken the social media world by storm including retweets on Twitter from the official FIFA World Cup twitter account to their millions of followers.

“The very serious side to the wall chart and our campaign is to support business,” said Adam. “We want to highlight how such a big tournament will affect the environment and we want to use the opportunity to advise businesses on some small steps they can take to reduce their impact.

“By following these tips, energy and money can be saved and business can be the real champions over the next month.”

For complimentary copies of the LEC FIFA World Cup Chart please go to www.lowenergyconsultancy.co.uk

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