EACH year the Business Club Northants members and guests support a different charity and recently the Corby-based Action for Aspergers were the latest to be presented with funds amounting to £2,260, raised over the last 12 months.
Mike Willis, CEO, said: “We are now in our ninth year, with around 100 members and as well as helping many local companies through our networking and training events we have always raised funds for charities through our many different social activities, including our annual golf tournaments, summer barbecue at Isham Cricket Club and the variety show held at Kette
EACH year the Business Club Northants members and guests support a different charity and recently the Corby-based Action for Aspergers were the latest to be presented with funds amounting to £2,260, raised over the last 12 months.
Mike Willis, CEO, said: “We are now in our ninth year, with around 100 members and as well as helping many local companies through our networking and training events we have always raised funds for charities through our many different social activities, including our annual golf tournaments, summer barbecue at Isham Cricket Club and the variety show held at Kettering Park Hotel each year.
“Our charity for 2016 is The Lowdown, an organisation formed in 1989 and based in Northampton, who offer help and support to young people aged between 12 and 25 years of age.”
Full information about the Business Club Northants can be found on www.thebusinessclubnorthants.co.uk
Mike Willis(left) CEO of The Business Club Northants presents cheque to Elaine Nicholson and James Read Trustees of Action for Aspergers.