ONE of Bosworth Independent College’s top students in 2013 has recently attended an awards day to receive an International Undergraduate Scholarship at the University of Melbourne. Stanislau Yatskevich received his certificate from the Associate Director of International Markets, Wendy Holden, receiving the prestigious 100 per cent academic merit scholarship to study Biomedicine.
ONE of Bosworth Independent College’s top students in 2013 has recently attended an awards day to receive an International Undergraduate Scholarship at the University of Melbourne. Stanislau Yatskevich received his certificate from the Associate Director of International Markets, Wendy Holden, receiving the prestigious 100 per cent academic merit scholarship to study Biomedicine. To put this in some sort of context, only ten 100 per cent scholarships are awarded to international students from around the world each year and the competition for these places is extremely fierce. In order to fulfil this offer, Stanislau had to attain the required 5 A* grades in Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Russian during his two-year A-Level programme at Bosworth. The scholarship offers are awarded to high achieving students based solely on academic performance and Stanislau, originally from Belarus, had the aptitude and dedication to meet the requirements. The world ranking of Melbourne University currently stands at 31 and it has a strong commitment to equality and diversity within its student intake. Bosworth is extremely proud to have been part of Stanislau’s journey and looks forward to following his progress at the University of Melbourne to his graduation and beyond. Each year Bosworth College has a number of students applying overseas for graduate courses, and scholarship opportunities like this always encourage students to look beyond the UK. This year, students have applied to America, Australia, Canada and Holland. British students are beginning to explore the global possibilities and this is encouraged by the fact that universities like Nottingham and Southampton can offer a campus experience not only in the UK but also in China and Malaysia. In future years, the college believes, more British students will also consider the international route and Bosworth, with its international experience and understanding of the different entry requirements, feels this is an added benefit it can offer. Find out more about Bosworth Independent College on 01604 235090 or visit the website