A LEADING low energy consultancy and a Northampton-based award-winning marketing and PR company have joined forces to promote a new and significant opportunity for large UK businesses that comes into law at the end of 2015.
ESOS is the name of the new Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme which is part of new EU legislation and which requires member states to introduce a mandatory programme of energy audits for large enterprises.
A LEADING low energy consultancy and a Northampton-based award-winning marketing and PR company have joined forces to promote a new and significant opportunity for large UK businesses that comes into law at the end of 2015.
ESOS is the name of the new Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme which is part of new EU legislation and which requires member states to introduce a mandatory programme of energy audits for large enterprises. Initial audits must be undertaken by 5 December 2015.
Low Energy Consultancy (LEC), part of the Briggs & Forrester Group based in Kingsthorpe in Northampton, are hosting free seminars for businesses to attend and learn more about what they need to do to be ESOS compliant. LEC have commissioned Ashley Riley Communications, also based in the town, to highlight and promote their work on ESOS and the seminars in the year ahead.
“To be ESOS compliant, large organisations will be required to review the total energy use from their business operations,” said Adam Alexander, Managing Director at Low Energy Consultancy. “This includes building energy use, transport energy use and industrial processes.
“This is then translated down to an amount of energy used per employee and to identify potential measures that could save energy.”
“We are delighted to work in partnership with Adam and his team on this scheme that is not only important for LEC but for any firm that has to be ESOS compliant,” said Ashley Riley, Managing Director of Ashley Riley Communications. “LEC have a broad team of specialist energy consultants that believe if you act now your business will be able to maximise paybacks and the merits of this mandatory scheme.”
The deadline for first compliance with the Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is 5 December 2015, which is why if a business is interested in learning how the ESOS will affect them, or how to best plan for compliance with the legislation, the LEC free breakfast seminars are for them.
“Adam and his team want to ensure that all businesses have the opportunity to attend a free ESOS event and learn as much as they can about the new scheme and how it will affect their business,” Ashley Riley continued. “It is a no obligation opportunity to hear about how other firms have worked with ESOS. It will include a number of overview case studies LEC have been involved with of which has led to substantial cost savings.”
For the next FREE seminar on ESOS visit www.lowenergyconsultancy.co.uk