SOMETIMES the most obvious difference between highly successful people and the less successful people is their belief system.
If you believe in something strongly enough you can move mountains and achieve feats others would think impossible. In fact the only thing separating yourself and the
Richard Branson’s of this world is your belief system.
SOMETIMES the most obvious difference between highly successful people and the less successful people is their belief system.
If you believe in something strongly enough you can move mountains and achieve feats others would think impossible. In fact the only thing separating yourself and the
Richard Branson’s of this world is your belief system. We all have our stories; sometimes these stories become our excuses, sometimes they become our motivation.
Richard Branson – Has dyslexia
Albert Einstein – Did not speak until 4 or read before he was 7, his parents and teachers thought he was mentally disabled
Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper because he lacked creativity
Fred Astaire in one of his first screen tests was described as “Can’t act. Can’t sing. Slightly bald. Can dance a little.”
Michael Jordan was dropped from his High School Basketball team.
The talent which differentiated all of these people is that they believed in their own ability and did the actions required to be the success they deserved. Going through life we have a choice to who we listen to, who we allow to affect our own belief systems and who we really want to become.
I have a great example at home about how a belief system can work, my oldest daughter Darcy has a medical list of things she cannot do. The beauty is, no one has actually explained the list to Darcy and if she wants to do something she will find a way to make it happen.
What are the belief systems that are holding you back? or are your belief systems propelling you forward? Why not call Brian or Alan on 01604 214695 to discuss which way your beliefs are affecting your business?
Stephen Myler says: Brian has highlighted the importance of a persons belief system. This is crucial for any individual, in any walk of life. If you do not have belief in your ability to succeed in whatever it is you are trying to achieve, then you are behind the 8-ball from the start. But, have the belief, and you stand a very good chance. Theodore Roosevelt said it best, “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” And how right he was.
In the sporting world, belief is crucial if a team wants to be successful. We see teams in a range of different sports upsetting the odds and beating so called ‘better’ teams because they work hard together and they believe that they can do it, often when nobody else is giving them a chance. “Us against the world” is the mindset. The classic underdog story. However, we also see teams who believe they have no chance of winning and are essentially beaten before the game commences.
Having belief is not necessarily going to guarantee success, however. There is always going to be some part that requires the execution of the required skills. But having the belief will give you a great foundation to go and do it. Think about people who change their career path. They may not have the required skills to do the job at the current time, but that doesn’t mean they can’t do it in time. With the correct education, persistence and belief, it is possible. So believe you can do it, and you’re well on your way.