BOSWORTH A2 students sat a Chemistry Challenge which is supported by St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge University, during their summer mini-term. From this A2 group the college is proud to report that it achieved two silvers and five copper awards.
This aim of the competition is to stretch and challenge students interested in chemistry, and it provides an excellent experience for anyone considering taking their studies further.
BOSWORTH A2 students sat a Chemistry Challenge which is supported by St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge University, during their summer mini-term. From this A2 group the college is proud to report that it achieved two silvers and five copper awards.
This aim of the competition is to stretch and challenge students interested in chemistry, and it provides an excellent experience for anyone considering taking their studies further. It is set by an experienced team of teachers and university chemists and it is designed to be accessible to Year 12 students but takes them significantly beyond the syllabus and encourages them to think about science in the way they would at university.
It takes the form of a written paper, consisting of two or three questions, to be answered in one 90-minute sitting under supervised conditions in school.
The 2015 Paper was another record year with 8,539 entries, the highest ever! The Award boundaries are: Roentgenium Award 46-60, Gold Award 33-45, Silver Award 26-32, Copper Award 17-25, No Award 0-16 and all winners receive a certificate along with a report on the paper and a question commentary.
Overall, 71 students won Roentgenium awards (less than one per cent), 651 students won Gold awards (eight per cent), 1,348 students won Silver awards (16 per cent) and 2,919 students won Copper awards (34 per cent).
Maria Johnstone, head of Chemistry, believes it is important for students to be tested beyond just the syllabus. She said: “Every year since the start of the present competition, our AS Chemists participate in the C3L6 Challenge. The latest cohort had a record number of students taking part. In an increasingly competitive environment for the students applying for a university course in their A2 year, it is imperative that candidates show involvement in Olympiad-style exams and prove enthusiasm for chemistry beyond the taught topics.”
Some of the award winners pictured above from left to right: Debbie Ifeobu (Copper), Joy Nip (Copper), Masem Abbas (Silver) and Isaac Kan (Copper).