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Why the county makes sense for your business

Ben Young, Partner at the Northampton office of national accountancy and business advisory firm, Haines Watts, reflects on the decision behind the company’s recent move to a new flagship office in the Rushmills’ business park and how that ties into the ongoing success of Northampton’s business community

SIX months’ residence in our own new flagship office in Northampton has given all of us at Haines Watts the time to reflect on why that decision was such a comfortable one, and one that was whole- heartedly embraced by both our local and national management teams.

‘It makes complete sense for so many reasons’ is the common response from anyone who has been asked. When we explored this statement further with neighbouring clients and contacts, it becomes clear that there are indeed many reasons why Northamptonshire is such a great place to develop your business.

Year on year, there are a number of studies, compiled either by geography or industry sector, that show the county to be clearly outstripping growth averages, all making for positive reading and a great basis for any company looking to invest or set up in the area. The county benefits from such a diverse range of thriving business sectors that many businesses find the routes to market or supply close at hand. And, lying at the heart of the country’s transport and business infrastructure, with 75 per cent of the population reported to be within two hours’ by road, geographically speaking Northampton benefits from near-perfect positioning. Many leading logistics companies have significant distribution hubs in the county for this very reason, another factor that has undoubtedly driven the success of the area and its opportunities.

Household names within the food, drink and hospitality sector have long played a part in Northamptonshire’s success, supported significantly by many automotive, engineering, manufacturing and industrial firms of note. The benefits of the region have long encouraged these well-known brands not just to remain in the area, but to invest further in the region.

What is increasingly exciting for the county is the corresponding drive towards innovation and high performance technology that these companies bring. The investment and growth in Silverstone Park is testament to thriving innovation in Northamptonshire completing the technology and innovation arc traditionally seen between Oxford and Cambridge.

Hand in hand with the growth of innovation and technology in the region is access to an ever-increasing talent pool. Good people are the bedrock of any business with local businesses now being able to draw on talent from leading educational institutions based in Oxford, Cambridge, Warwick, London and the University of Northampton, which continues to strengthen its reputation. This adds another dimension to the forces that are driving local businesses forwards.

Apprenticeship schemes are another area that has seen significant growth in the area with many organisations, from engineering to manufacturing to professional services likes ourselves, embracing the apprenticeship culture; all of which provides a fantastic foundation for the continued development and sustainability of the county’s business growth and success.

Working closely with local business owners puts us in the unique position of being able to witness first-hand the opportunities that exist in our county. We never cease to be impressed by the continued drive to innovate, grow and succeed that we see in so many Northamptonshire businesses on a daily basis.

On reflection, it’s the being part of this evolving business community that continually reinforces the fact that our decision to establish a flagship office right at the business heart of the area makes perfect sense.

For more information about Haines Watts visit www.hwca.com

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