The Road Haulage Association has announced support for Driver First Assist (DFA) – a much-needed life-saving road safety initiative supported nationally by all three emergency services.
Commenting, RHA chief executive Richard Burnett said: “It is estimated that there are 245,000 miles of road in Britain, the workplace for the 496,000 registered HGVs. With so many HGVs for every mile of road, professional drivers are frequently the first at the scene of a road traffic collision. They represent a huge, immediate-response resource.”
The medical knowledge of the first person at the scene of an RTA is critically important. Over half of those seriously injured lose their life before the emergency services even arrive. Death from little more than a blocked airway can occur in about four minutes – the target time for an ambulance is eight minutes. With the right training, this is a condition that is relatively easy to treat.
“But the DFA initiative isn’t just about saving lives,” Richard Burnett continued. “If accidents can be dealt with more speedily, the risk of traffic congestion will be reduced as will the road closures that inevitably result from a fatal RTA.
“It’s easy to see why proper emergency training really can make the difference between life and death for the victim and the RHA is pleased to be part of, and promote this vital initiative.”
The DFA course will be running throughout the year at venues across the country and will provide the vital first response for those who are first at the scene of a RTA. And as an added incentive, RHA members will be able to attend at a special, discounted rate.
The courses will cover: how to notify the emergency services with accurate information about the location and nature of the incident; how keep you and others safe at the scene and how to apply life-saving first aid while waiting for the emergency services