AFTER 25 years of working with businesses to help them grow and succeed, KWS know it’s not just what you do, but how you do it.
Ultimately, it’s the ‘how’ that really makes the difference to a business, and that stems from a combination of a strong direction – a clear vision of what you want the business to be – and effective delivery.
While as a business owner or manager you might have your sights set on your vision, delivery is often down to your people.
AFTER 25 years of working with businesses to help them grow and succeed, KWS know it’s not just what you do, but how you do it.
Ultimately, it’s the ‘how’ that really makes the difference to a business, and that stems from a combination of a strong direction – a clear vision of what you want the business to be – and effective delivery.
While as a business owner or manager you might have your sights set on your vision, delivery is often down to your people. And whether that delivery- that ‘how’- matches your vision, strongly depends on how you recruit, train, retain and reward the people in your business.
As a brand and business development consultancy, KWS firmly believe that investing in your people to achieve consistent delivery in line with your brand is the key to building and maintaining strong customer and client relationships. It’s the ‘how’ that sets you apart. This recognition is slowly becoming a growing trend, and KWS are now seeing this type of approach reflected in the businesses they work with on a day-to-day basis. Laura Knight, Account Director, says: “There’s been a marked rise in the last year in the amount of companies coming to us seeking to better align their HR practices with their brand and marketing strategies – which is something we’ve been advocating for a while!”
KWS are currently working with clients covering retail and leisure, legal services, finance and banking, market research and the charity sector, helping them integrate their brand and marketing into their recruiting, training and reward programmes. Whilst the clients vary in size, from start-ups to multinational corporations, Laura Knight says that in the end, they all want the same thing:
“To ensure that staff – whether current or new – not only have the required specific skills for the job, but also fit with the broader brand and culture of their business.”
For further information contact KWS on 01604743671 or email or visit the website at