HOSTING a website was, once upon a time, a fairly straightforward matter – you’d put it into the hands of your Web Developer or IT support company and leave them to get on with it as generally most websites were just used for advertising.
Over the years, this has changed as websites have evolved to become much more integrated into companies internal systems and normal business activities.
HOSTING a website was, once upon a time, a fairly straightforward matter – you’d put it into the hands of your Web Developer or IT support company and leave them to get on with it as generally most websites were just used for advertising.
Over the years, this has changed as websites have evolved to become much more integrated into companies internal systems and normal business activities. Companies are also now looking to outsource their data, employees’ desktops and other services into a datacentre hosting environment, commonly referred to as the ‘Cloud’.
Previously almost all datacentres were in London so it was not possible to choose a location which was local but still within a high specification datacentre. The main reason for this was that cost effective connectivity (bandwidth) was only located close to London’s Docklands area where high capacity fibre connections were possible.
A handful of companies such as Host-it had the foresight to locate their datacentre’s outside of London as far back as the early nineties. They could initially only specialise in low bandwidth solutions but as over the years large fibre backbones extended to other parts of the UK, large capacity and cost effective connectivity was possible outside of London.
The datacentre operators already outside of London then found themselves with a distinct advantage of already having established facilities, many years experience of operating these facilities and could now offer bandwidth at the same rates as the datacentre in London but with lower overheads.
Over the following years other datacentres have opened all over the UK and connectivity continued to expand throughout the country so most businesses can now have the best of both worlds, professional hosting and datacentre services but local to their own premises.
Companies such as Host-It, own full specification enterprise level datacentres which are located locally in Northampton and Milton Keynes areas. Clients are able to liaise directly with a team that understands their business and their working environment and can, if needed, offer a face to face meeting for any size of project from a single web site to a global hosted solution.
To find out more about the services on offer at Host-It, or to book a tour of their premises to see for yourself how we store and safeguard data, call 0844 745 1300 or visit the website