IGNORANCE is not bliss in fire safety. Anyone who has not ensured their business premises meet current fire safety regulations should not be sleeping safely in their bed.
Folgate Safety Limited, which has the slogan Preparing and Protecting for the Unexpected, believes business owners should wake up to their responsibilities and take immediate action.
The Northamptonshire-based experts are offering to undertake a free fire safety check to business premises in Northamptonshire.
IGNORANCE is not bliss in fire safety. Anyone who has not ensured their business premises meet current fire safety regulations should not be sleeping safely in their bed.
Folgate Safety Limited, which has the slogan Preparing and Protecting for the Unexpected, believes business owners should wake up to their responsibilities and take immediate action.
The Northamptonshire-based experts are offering to undertake a free fire safety check to business premises in Northamptonshire. The gesture should help businesses assess the risks and identify what needs immediate action.
Company director Dan Folgate said: “The recent fires at business premises in Wellingborough and Northampton are not only awful for the owners but also for neighbouring companies who have had to cope with the disruptions.
“Better management will always alleviate the pressure on business owners.”
While an actual fire can cause havoc, the current laws mean that business owners can risk fines or even imprisonment if they do not meet the strict regulations. Many businesses are unaware that in 2011 emergency lighting regulations were amended, followed by an overhaul of fire alarm and detection regulations more recently in June 2013.
Dan said: “Individuals should be aware of their legal responsibilities and leave nothing to chance. This is not something that can wait for another day. Insurance companies do not pay out unless there is evidence of a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment and adequate fire safety management processes in place.
“Local authorities are enforcing The Fire Safety Order (2005), at an increasing rate. This is by means of prohibition notices, fines and prosecutions. A fire does not need to happen for someone to be fined, imprisoned or be shut down. Having the potential of harm is enough.”
The company’s experienced teams can offer not only fire risk assessments and awareness training but a wide range of services including fire extinguishers, fire alarms, first aid training, electrical testing, asbestos and all other safety and compliance matters.
Buildings built before 2000 normally need upgrading to include more fire doors and better compartmentation, while those constructed after 2000 can be at increased risk where better insulated materials (or those of a lower quality) have been used.
Dan said: “A fire risk assessment will not only give peace of mind but it can reduce insurance premiums and help business owners avoid prosecution.”
For further details see the website at www.folgatesafety.co.uk/firecheck or call 01536 526138. To claim the free fire check, quote Business Times.