HITEC Lift Trucks have expanded their broad range of equipment available for purchase and hire, by adding Hako cleaning equipment to their fleet.
Last year’s acquisition by Briggs Equipment has allowed for the launch of Hitec’s specialist cleaning division. The division, headed by manager Ed Simmons, includes sweepers, scrubber driers and outdoor cleaners, as well as carpet cleaners, floor polishers and vacuums.
Known for delivering exceptional results, Hako’s cleaning technologies include pedestrian and ride-on options, lending themselves to all business and facility sizes. On hand at Hitec’s newly opened second facility at Leyland Industrial Estate, Ed is available to provide advice and help businesses realise what equipment would be best suited to them. The cleaning equipment is available for sale or to hire and comes with service and maintenance contracts, utilising Hitec’s in-house team of trained technicians.
Ed’s previous experience in the cleaning industry is a fantastic advantage for Hitec: “My background is in cleaning equipment, so I’m very much looking forward to building that side of Hitec’s business. It’s a great opportunity to add another feather to Hitec’s cap and the Hako range is an outstanding addition to the fleet. It gives us a fantastic opportunity to really add value for new and existing customers.
“Customers will often come to us looking for advice on the best way to keep their premises clean and safe and we can advise on the best equipment depending on their circumstances. Anyone who uses material handling equipment will appreciate that a clean environment is better for everyone. From a health and safety point of view, working in a warehouse with clean floors and clean air, and dust-free surfaces is always preferable.”
“Hako is a reputable brand that delivers excellent results, and we can work out the right machine, or configuration of machines, to ensure customers get the best from their cleaning equipment.”
To find out more, contact Ed Simmons at Hitec Lift Trucks on 01933 228127, email or visit www.askhitec.co.uk