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Business advisers help you grow

By Gayle Pope, Head of Business Services, SEMLEP

DID you know that businesses just like yours can access free, bespoke support and advice from our team of locally based Velocity business advisers?

Businesses looking to increase productivity, boost sales, access finance or develop their workforce can call on Velocity business advisers to book a face-to-face?appointment or for telephone support. They’re here to help you grow.

The business advisers are just one part of Velocity – the business support service provided by South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) which offers support, mentoring and advice to small to medium sized (SME) businesses seeking to grow and expand.

We know that Northamptonshire is a fantastic place to do business. The county is flourishing and we are seeing success stories right across the board, from award-winning artisan cheese producers to high-tech start-ups blazing a trail in the digital marketplace.

With such a broad range of ambitious businesses on our doorstep it’s essential they have access to the right business support, giving them the best possible chance to grow.

Our network of business advisers are on hand to help with this, signposting business owners to potential funding and giving advice every step of the way on their journey to continued growth.

Velocity was first established by SEMLEP in 2014 with funding from the government’s Growing Places Fund and Regional Growth Fund.

Following the successful completion of this programme in June 2015 the SEMLEP board unanimously voted for the growth hub to continue to support businesses.

With funding from both the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and the European Regional Development Fund, Velocity Growth Hub will continue to support local businesses for at least a further two years.

In addition to its network of business advisers, Velocity Growth Hub includes a series of Capital and Revenue grants for business support, a programme of business workshops, boot camps and seminars.

To access support from the Business Advisers, call the Velocity team on 0300 01234 35.

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