MEET Steve, a 44-year-old business owner who has just finished his normal 60-hour working week filled with meetings, staff appraisals, financial reviews and loads of paperwork. Steve flashes his Iphone at me demonstrating an upcoming diary jam packed with tasks and events.
Feeling overwhelmed, stressed and fatigued, he complains he has poor sleep and bad digestion. His energy levels are rock bottom and he tells me it takes a bottle of wine a night to enable him to ‘let go of his day’.
Steve’s situation is all too familiar, as for many business professionals, in order to keep up with the roadrunner style of living these days, it’s easy to put everything else before our own wellbeing. But no matter self-indulgent or fancy it may sound, self-care is vital for our physical, mental and emotional health.
Many businesspeople and entrepreneurs I’ve met enjoy the buzz of being busy and often feel that taking time to eat a healthy lunch, exercise or relax with friends feels like they are slacking somehow. This mindset has to change. The fact is, the hard work pays off adage can be taken too far, eventually to the point of being counterproductive to a successful business and enjoyment of life. When you’re exhausted, your mind is not as sharp, you lose focus and productivity goes down. Everyone loses.
Two months later, Steve told Homefield that following our simple self-care tips helped him sleep better, lose seven pounds and feel more in control. Here are some of the suggestions we gave him:
* Your days might be long, but set some professional boundaries for yourself, ie finish early on a Friday now and then to spend more time with loved ones.
* Take a stroll for 20 minutes during your day. Being outside gives a massive boost to your vitamin D levels, vital for good cognitive function.
* Eat Well. Simply focus on one aspect of your diet instead of overhauling your entire life at once. Could you give up the booze on weeknights, or eat less sugar, or simply drink more water and less coffee.
* Practise good emotional health. If you’re stressed, angry, overwhelmed – take a few moments to process these feelings. Acknowledging something serves a practical purpose in that it will give you time to slow down and think more rationally.
* If you are in the habit of squeezing too much into your diary, remember to schedule empty events into your week too. This way, if a meeting takes longer than expected, or something else pops up, you’ve allowed yourself more time for it.
* Have a damn good laugh at least once a day!
Homefield Grange offers corporate wellness days that help you and your workforce boost productivity. It specialises in gut health, digestion, detox and weight and stress management. For any enquiries ring Suzanne Peck on 07879 448202, or reception on 01536 712219.