IN February ListersGeo held their annual client reception at The Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology in Oxford.
At this year’s event ListersGeo were joined by the Chairman and trustees of The Geoff and Diannah Charitable Trust – – who were presented with a cheque for £1,500 from the company by Managing Director Dr Mark Cowley and Ian Evetts, Deputy Managing Director.
In December the company had arranged for a staff and family sponsored walk and run around Willen Lake in Milton Keynes to raise money and awareness for the charity that aims to provide water relief projects in areas of extreme poverty in Western Kenya as well as funding for school, health projects and orphans.
The evening was a great success, bringing together staff and clients together with members of the charity in an inspiring venue.
ListersGeo are a long established Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Consultancy that operates throughout the UK and Europe carrying out ground investigations related to soil and groundwater contamination, waste soil disposal and foundation engineering
Further information on ListersGeo, is available on the website and on Facebook and Twitter or telephone 01327 860060.
(The gentlemen in the photo from left to right are Ian Evetts, Geoff Brown and Dr Mark Cowley)